Math Department
We offer a variety of mathematics courses that challenge and support our students. Courses help students meet N.Y. State and local requirements and prepare students for study beyond high school. Honors courses may require students to take the Regents Exam at the end of the course as well as a departmental final exam.
ALGEBRA Full year - 1 credit, Grade 9
This course follows the New York State curriculum for Algebra 1 Common Core and is designed for the students who achieved at least level 2 proficiency on the New York State Grade 8 test. Topics include the algebraic concepts of writing, solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations, probability and statistics. The final exam is locally developed. Students are also required to take the NYS Regents exam. Prerequisite: Math 8
ALGEBRA 9 Full year - 1 credit, Grade 9
This course is the first year of the two year study of the New York State curriculum for Algebra 1 Common Core. This course follows the NY State curriculum for Algebra 1 Common Core. This course is designed for students who have achieved a level 1 proficiency on the NY State Grade 8 test. Topics include the algebraic concepts of writing, solving and graphing linear equations, and statistics. The final examination is a departmental exam. Administrative approval required.Prerequisite: Math 8
ALGEBRA 10 Full year - 1 credit, Grade 10
This course is the second year of the two-year study of Algebra. This course follows the NY State curriculum for Algebra 1 CC. This course is designed for students who have achieved a level 1 proficiency on the NY State Grade 8 test. Topics include the algebraic concepts of factoring, quadratic functions, data analysis, exponential and radical functions, and rational expressions. The final exam is locally developed. Students are also required to take the NYS Regents exam. Administrative approval is required. Prerequisite: Algebra 9
GEOMETRY Full year - 1 credit, Grades 9,10
This course follows the New York State curriculum for Geometry Common Core. Topics include analyzing geometric shapes and relationships, informal and formal proof, transformational geometry and coordinate geometry. The final exam is locally developed. Students are also required to take the NYS Regents exam. Both Regents and Honors levels are offered for this course. Prerequisite: Algebra
GEOMETRY APPLICATIONS Full year - 1 credit, Grades 10,11
This course will focus on topics from the Advanced Regents Diploma. Topics of study include geometric relationships, making and investigating conjectures, transformations and coordinate geometry. This course will include hands-on work with the graphing calculator, a project-driven curriculum, and SAT preparatory work. The final exam is a departmental exam.
ALGEBRA 2 TRIGONOMETRY Full year - 1 credit, Grades 10,11
This course follows the New York State curriculum for Algebra 2 Common Core. Topics include the study of rational and radical expressions, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, imaginary numbers, statistics, probability and sequences and series. The final exam is locally developed. Students are also required to take the NYS Regents exam.Both Regents and Honors levels are offered for this course. Prerequisite: Geometry (Prerequisite for Honors: Geometry Honors)
ALGEBRA 2 Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This course is the first year of the two-year study of Algebra 2 Common Core. This course begins the study of the New York State curriculum for Algebra 2. Topics include the study of rational and radical expressions, imaginary numbers, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions. The final exam is a departmental exam. Prerequisite: Geometry
TRIGONOMETRY Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
This course is the second year of the two-year study of Algebra 2 Common Core. This course completes the study of the New York State curriculum for Algebra 2. Topics include the study of trigonometric functions, statistics, probability, sequences and series. The final exam is locally developed. Students are also required to take the NYS Regents exam. Prerequisite: Algebra 2
CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
This course emphasizes the practical aspects of mathematics. Topics include problem-solving, personal finance, statistics and probability. Written projects are required in a variety of mathematical applications such as a stock market portfolio analysis, a statistical case study, or historical research in mathematics. The final exam is a departmental exam.
COLLEGE ALGEBRA WITH TRIGONOMETRY ECE Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This course is a dual enrollment course offered in collaboration with Westchester Community College through its Early College Experience (ECE). This course focuses on topics in algebra and trigonometry including linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and circular functions, complex numbers, radical and absolute value equations, linear inequalities, polynomial division, graphing calculator applications, and applications of right triangles. The final exam is a departmental exam. Students must pay the discounted fee for Westchester Community College credit to receive a Westchester Community College transcript. Prerequisite: Algebra 2 or Trigonometry
PRE-CALCULUS ECE Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This course is a dual enrollment course offered in collaboration with Westchester Community College through its Early College Experience (ECE). This course offers problem solving beyond quadratics with emphasis on the analytical geometry leading to the calculus. Topics of study include polynomial functions, conic sections, matrices, and limits. The final exam is a departmental exam. Students must pay the discounted fee for Westchester Community College credit to receive a Westchester Community College transcript. Prerequisite: Algebra 2 Trigonometry and Regents Exam
PRE-CALCULUS HONORS Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This course continues the study of the pre-calculus topics from Algebra 2 Trigonometry Honors and begins the study of Advanced Placement Calculus as outlined by the College Board. It includes the analysis of functions, vectors, sequences and series and differential calculus. The emphasis is on proofs and intensive discussions of related topics with student presentations required. The final exam is a departmental exam. Prerequisite: Algebra 2 Trigonometry Honors
CALCULUS ECE Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
This course is a dual enrollment course offered in collaboration with Westchester Community College through its Early College Experience (ECE). This course includes topics in differential and integral calculus. The final exam is a departmental exam. Students must pay the discounted fee for Westchester Community College credit to receive a Westchester Community College transcript. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus
AP CALCULUS AB Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
This Advanced Placement course completes the study of the AB level of Advanced Placement Calculus. The students are expected to take the Calculus AB Advanced Placement Exam. The final exam is a departmental exam. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus Honors
AP CALCULUS BC Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
This Advanced Placement course completes the study of the BC level of Advanced Placement Calculus. The students are expected to take the Calculus BC Advanced Placement Exam. The final exam is a departmental exam. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus Honors
MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS Full Year - 1 credit, Grade 12
Multivariable Calculus (also often known as Calculus III) is the third course in a three-semester sequence in calculus designed for future mathematicians, scientists, engineers and students interested in STEM disciplines. Concepts covered in the course include: vectors, vector-valued functions, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, and multiple integration. This course is a dual enrollment course (4 credits) offered in collaboration with Marist College . Grade consists of in-course examinations, homework, and a final exam. Students can earn high school credit independent from Marist College. Students must pay the discounted fee for college credit. This course receives Honors weighting. Prerequisite: Students must receive a minimum grade of B in AP BC Calculus, or an A in AP AB Calculus and Calculus II over the summer at an accredited college.
APPLIED STATISTICS Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This course will focus on topics in statistics with an emphasis on their practical applications in social media, sports, medicine, research, and practically any field that interests you. Have you ever wondered if having a Facebook page makes you more likely to Tweet? Do White Plains High School students prefer orange or black and does gender influence the response? Is there a home field advantage in the NFL? Does the amount of snow needed to close school vary in New York State? Can polyurethane suites make you swim faster? These are the types of questions students will explore in this course. Topics include categorical and numerical data, paired data, measure of variability, normal distribution, confidence intervals, non-linear models, and counting rules. There will be an emphasis on exploration of major concepts through hands-on data collection and analysis. The final exam is a choice between a departmental exam or final project. Prerequisite: Geometry or Geometry Applications
AP STATISTICS Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This Advanced Placement course provides the opportunity for students who have a strong desire to study an advanced mathematics course on the Advanced Placement level. Topics such as exploring data and observing patterns and departures from patterns, planning a study, producing models using probability theory and simulation, and statistical inference are included in the course. The students are expected to take the Statistics Advanced Placement Exam. The final exam is a departmental exam. Prerequisite: Algebra 2 Trigonometry