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Special Programs



At WPHS we value the social, emotional, and academic needs of our students. Through the WPHS seminar, students meet regularly with their school counselor, house administrator or house social worker to address their academic and social emotional needs while also exploring their goals, interests and needs. In addition, the seminar will support students in strengthening their leadership skills and establishing positive relationships with adults and peers.


This program is designed to provide students with an opportunity to earn credit for work done outside regular classroom curricula. A student interested in pursuing independent study for credit should discuss their plan with their counselor and department coordinator. A teacher in the respective department serves as the advisor. The student is required to outline a proposal that must be submitted to the assistant principal for approval no later than four weeks after the start of the semester. The principal or designee will grant credit towards graduation upon certification by the teacher and the subject area coordinator that the student completed his/her project satisfactorily. It is important to note that independent study cannot take the place of regular classroom instruction.


This course is a three-year commitment from sophomore to senior year and is designed to provide students with an understanding of research methods in the sciences. The program is directed to those students who have a keen interest in science and would like to pursue excellence and progress into areas of original research. Students must be highly motivated and able to work independently. Emphasis is on both exploratory and bibliographic research. Students are taught the process of online bibliographic researching and are able to access various scientific databases. Group seminars and individual consultations with support personnel are provided. Students commitment to long-term, focused research that demonstrates initiative, perseverance and creativity is developed and fostered. Summer work activity is required. Students choose a topic of interest and construct an original experiment using a mentor of their choice to assist with their research. These mentors can be working scientists from the private or public sector, or college professors from local colleges and universities. The mentor and the Science Research Course Teacher/Advisor will jointly be responsible for the student’s grade and carefully monitor all steps in the student’s progress. As each year of the program is successfully completed, the student will earn one credit. These credits are in addition to the required science credits for graduation and may NOT be used to replace them. Up to 12 college credits may be earned from the State University at Albany. 


Credit recovery classes are online high school courses offered for students in grades 9 through 12 who have failed courses required for graduation. Entrance will be determined on a case-by-case basis and administrative approval is required. Enrollment in science credit recovery classes requires documentation of prior completion of the appropriate lab requirements.



The White Plains High School Senior Internship Program provides students with an opportunity to conclude their high school educational experience by participating in a semester long work experience. The purpose of this program is to allow students the chance to apply their high school knowledge and skills in an area of personal interest and to use community resources to further their education and develop post-secondary goals. Students in this program will also develop skills for success, such as communication, teamwork, networking, professionalism, problem solving, and critical thinking. The Internship Program also encourages students to build relationships with community stakeholders and explore possible career paths. All 12th graders participating in the program are required to find their own internships and participate in those internships after school and on weekends. Internship experiences are approved by the Internship Facilitator prior to the start of the experience. Students who complete 60 hours of internship experience will receive 0.5 internship credit on their transcript. Please note that this credit does not count toward NYS graduation requirements.


Community Service is not a graduation requirement; however WPHS encourages students to become actively involved with the community through volunteer experiences. These may take place at local non-profit agencies and organizations or within the school. Community service provides firsthand knowledge of society’s needs, as well as future career opportunities. Service credit may be earned over a four-year period and will be awarded as follows: ½ service credit for 60 hours or one service credit for 120 hours. This credit may not be applied toward graduation. It is only on the transcript to demonstrate the student’s commitment to Community Service. This program is open to all students. The coordinator of volunteers is available to assist with placement and evaluation.