World Languages Department
The World Language Department offers a rigorous course of study in five languages: French, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish and American Sign Language. The curriculum for each course is aligned to NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. World Languages learners will work towards mastery and proficiency of another language, through the study of curriculum that addresses communication and cultural comparisons and perspectives and includes Interpretative, Interpersonal, and Presentational modes of communication.
The New York State Seal of Biliteracy
White Plains High School Seniors who have achieved a high level of proficiency in a world language are eligible to earn The New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) on their high school diploma. For more information, please visit the World Language Page on the WPCSD website.
French Accelerated
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 9-12
This introductory course is designed for students who have successfully completed a three-year sequence in a world language and who wish to begin the study of another world language. Classroom instruction is paced so that students who are ready may advance to level 3A. Students entering the district in grade 9 with no prior language instruction are also eligible to take this course. Students will be assessed for placement into level 2A or 3A at the end of the third quarter.
French 2A
Full year - 1 credit, Grade 9
This course is designed for students who have completed their middle school sequence in French and have successfully met the benchmarks for Checkpoint A proficiency. Students will work toward higher proficiency in the language through exposure to texts and materials from the French speaking world. The curriculum is built based on the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Prerequisite: French 1
French 3A
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 10-12
Students continue to learn and practice the language with more exposure to authentic texts and materials by French speaking authors. They will increase their proficiency and develop language based on the different modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) and the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Students will take the Checkpoint B assessment as well as a final exam. Upon successful completion of the course and Checkpoint B assessment students will be eligible for French 4 Honors. Prerequisite: French 2A
French 4 Honors
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12 - This is a dual enrollment course offered in collaboration with SUNY Westchester Community College
This course is designed for students who have successfully passed the Checkpoint B assessment in French and who demonstrate the motivation and enthusiasm to continue the study of the language and its culture. Students will continue to develop their interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills as they reinforce their control of the language’s fundamental grammatical framework and expand the range of their vocabulary and communicative structures. Students will read a collection of representative works by authors from the French-speaking world.
Students must pay the discounted fee for the WCC credit to receive a SUNY Westchester Community College transcript.
Prerequisite: French 3A
AP French Language & Culture
Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
This course is based on the French curriculum of the Advanced Placement Program. The course seeks to develop advanced levels of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Students will demonstrate an advanced level of French language proficiency and a relatively profound recognition of the target language’s culture across three communicative modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This course also fosters perceptive and critical thought and well-expressed analysis in French. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Exam in French Language and Culture. Prerequisite: French 4 Honors or French Film
French Film
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
In this course, students will develop an understanding and appreciation of French culture through the study of film. They will enhance their interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal skills in the target language as they identify the literary elements of each film and engage in critical analysis from various perspectives. This course will be taught in French and is aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards. Prerequisite: French 3A or French 4 Honors
Spanish Accelerated
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 10-12
This introductory course is designed for students who have successfully completed a three-year sequence in a world language and who wish to begin the study of another world language. Classroom instruction is paced so that students who are ready may advance to level 3A. Students entering the district in grade 9 with no prior language instruction are also eligible to take this course. Students will be assessed for placement into level 2A or 3A at the end of the third quarter.
Spanish 2A
Full year - 1 credit, Grade 9
This course is designed for students who have completed their middle school sequence in Spanish and have successfully met the benchmarks for Checkpoint A proficiency. Students will work toward higher proficiency in the language through exposure to texts and materials from the Spanish speaking world. The curriculum is built based on the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Prerequisite: Spanish 1
Spanish 3A
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 10-12
Students continue to learn and practice the language with more exposure to authentic texts and materials by Spanish speaking authors. They will increase their proficiency and develop language based on the different modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) and the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Students will take the Checkpoint B assessment as well as a final exam. Upon successful completion of the course and Checkpoint B assessment students will be eligible for Spanish 4 Honors. Prerequisite: Spanish 2A
Spanish Language Arts 2
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 9-12
This course is designed for native and heritage speakers of Spanish, and for Dual Language students who have either completed a three-year sequence in Spanish Language Arts in the middle school or who have recently arrived in this country and have been educated in Spanish in their native country.
Students will continue to work towards meeting the updated NYS Learning Standards for World Languages through the study of a curriculum that addresses communication and cultural comparisons and perspectives and includes Interpretative, Interpersonal, and Presentational modes of communication. Students will read and analyze a collection of representative works by authors from the Spanish speaking world and develop literacy in Spanish. Prerequisite: Spanish Language Arts 1
Spanish Language Arts 3
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 9-12
This course is a continuation of Spanish Language Arts 2 and will prepare students for the rigor of AP Spanish Language and Culture course. Students will continue to work towards meeting the updated NYS Learning Standards for World Languages through the study of a curriculum that addresses communication and cultural comparisons and perspectives and includes Interpretative, Interpersonal, and Presentational modes of communication. Students will read and analyze a collection of representative works by authors from the Spanish speaking world. Upon successful completion of this course, and Checkpoint B Assessment, students will be eligible for AP Spanish Language and Culture. Prerequisite: Spanish Language Arts 2
Spanish 4 Honors
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12 - This is a dual enrollment course offered in collaboration with SUNY Westchester Community College This course is designed for students who have successfully passed the Checkpoint B assessment in Spanish and who demonstrate the motivation and enthusiasm to continue the study of the language and its culture. Students will continue to develop their interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills as they reinforce their control of the language’s fundamental grammatical framework and expand the range of their vocabulary and communicative structures. Students will read a collection of representative works by authors from the Spanish-speaking world.
Students must pay the discounted fee for the WCC credit to receive a SUNY Westchester Community College transcript.
Prerequisite: Spanish 3A
Spanish Film
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
In this course, students will develop an understanding and appreciation of Latin-American culture through the study of film. They will enhance their interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal skills in the target language as they identify the literary elements of each film and engage in critical analysis from various perspectives. This course will be taught in Spanish and is aligned to the Next Generation Learning Standards. Prerequisite: Spanish 3A, Spanish 4 Honors or Spanish Language Arts 3
AP Spanish Language & Culture
Full year - 1 credit, Grades11,12
This course is based on the Spanish curriculum of the Advanced Placement Program. The course seeks to develop advanced levels of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Students will demonstrate an advanced level of Spanish language proficiency and a relatively profound recognition of the target language’s culture across three communicative modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This course also fosters perceptive and critical thought and well-expressed analysis in Spanish. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Exam in Spanish Language and Culture. Prerequisite: Spanish 4 Honors, Spanish Language Arts 3 or Spanish Film
AP Spanish Literature
Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
The AP Spanish Literature course is designed to provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that of a third-year college course in Peninsular and Latin American literature. The course is designed to introduce students to the formal study of a representative body of Peninsular and Latin American literary texts. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Exam in Spanish Language and Culture. Prerequisite: AP Spanish Language and AP Exam in Spanish Language and Culture
Italian Accelerated
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 10-12
This introductory course is designed for students who have successfully completed a three-year sequence in a world language and who wish to begin the study of another world language. Classroom instructions is paced so that students who are ready may advance to level 3A. Students entering the district in grade 9 with no prior language instruction are also eligible to take this course. Students will be assessed for placement into level 2A or 3A at the end of the third quarter.
Italian 2A
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 9,10
This course is designed for students who have completed their middle school sequence in Italian and have successfully met the benchmarks for Checkpoint A proficiency. Students will work toward higher proficiency in the language through exposure to texts and materials from the Italian speaking world. The curriculum is built based on the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Prerequisite: Italian 1
Italian 3A
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 10,11
Students continue to learn and practice the language with more exposure to authentic texts and materials by Italian authors. They will increase their proficiency and develop language based on the different modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) and the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Students will take the Checkpoint B assessment as well as a final exam. Upon successful completion of the course and Checkpoint B assessment students will be eligible for Italian 4 Honors. Prerequisite: Italian 2A
Italian 4 Honors
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12 - This is a dual enrollment course offered in collaboration with SUNY Westchester Community College
This course is designed for students who have successfully passed the Checkpoint B assessment in Italian and who demonstrate the motivation and enthusiasm to continue the study of the language and its culture. Students will continue to develop their interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills as they reinforce their control of the language’s fundamental grammatical framework and expand the range of their vocabulary and communicative structures. In this wide-ranging study of Italy’s social and literary culture, the students will employ a variety of instructional materials and realia, including but not limited to modern texts, print journalism, music, television, movies, and the internet.
Students must pay the discounted fee for the WCC credit to receive a SUNY Westchester Community College transcript.
Prerequisite: Italian 3A
The following courses will be offered in alternating years:
Italian Film: Contemporary (2024-2025) - Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
Italian Film: The Classics (2025-2026) - Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
In these courses, students will develop an understanding and appreciation of Italian culture through the study of film. They will enhance their interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal skills in the target language as they identify the literary elements of each film and engage in critical analysis from various perspectives. Prerequisite: Italian 3A and above
AP Italian Language & Culture
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This course is designed to prepare the pro-active, motivated student for the rigors of the Italian Language and Culture Advanced Placement Exam. Its aim is to develop students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills within a cultural frame of reference reflective of the richness of Italian language and culture. Students will demonstrate an advanced level of Italian language proficiency and a relatively profound recognition of the target language’s culture across three communicative modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This course also fosters perceptive and critical thought and well-expressed analysis in Italian. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Exam in Italian Language and Culture. Prerequisite: Italian 4 Honors
Mandarin 2A
Full year - 1 credit, Grade 9
This course is designed for students who have completed their middle school sequence in Mandarin and have successfully met the benchmarks for Checkpoint A proficiency. Students will work toward higher proficiency in the language through increased exposure to texts and materials from the Chinese speaking world.
The curriculum is built based on the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Prerequisite: Mandarin 1
Mandarin 3A
Full year - 1 credit, Grade 10
Students continue to learn and practice the language with more exposure to authentic texts and materials by Chinese speaking authors. They will increase their proficiency and develop language based on the different modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) and the NYS Learning Standards for World Languages. Students will take the Checkpoint B assessment as well as a final exam. Upon successful completion of the course and Checkpoint B assessment students will be eligible for Mandarin 4 Honors. Prerequisite: Mandarin 2A
Mandarin 4 Honors
Full year - 1 credit, Grades 11,12
This course is designed for students who have successfully passed the Checkpoint B assessment in Mandarin and who demonstrate the motivation and enthusiasm to continue the study of the language and its culture. Students will continue to develop their interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills as they reinforce their control of the language’s fundamental grammatical framework and expand the range of their vocabulary and communicative structures. Students will study a collection of representative works by authors from the Chinese-speaking world. Prerequisite: Mandarin 3A
AP Chinese Language & Culture
Full year - 1 credit, Grade 12
This course is based on the Chinese curriculum of the Advanced Placement Program. The course seeks to develop advanced levels of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Student will critically analyze a variety of texts and materials as well as enhance their cross-cultural understandings. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Exam in Chinese Language and Culture. Prerequisite: Mandarin 4 Honors
American Sign Language 1
Full year – 1 credit, Grades 9-12
American Sign Language 1 is an introduction to American Sign Language (ASL). The course is designed to develop the skills and knowledge needed to communicate in American Sign Language. Students will learn basic grammar, vocabulary, fingerspelling, numbers, and cultural information related to the Deaf Community. The curriculum is built around the five “C” goal areas of Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities and their corresponding standards.
American Sign Language 2
Full year – 1 credit, Grades 10-12
American Sign Language 2 is a continuation of ASL 1. This course is designed to continue the development of American Sign Language expressive and receptive skills, grammar, vocabulary, cultural awareness, and related terminology. The curriculum is built around the five “C” goal areas of Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities and their corresponding standards. Prerequisite: American Sign Language 1
American Sign Language 3
Full year – 1 credit, Grades 10-12
This course is a continuation of ASL 2. Students work toward advanced proficiency in American Sign Language through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach to language learning, and with stronger emphasis on real-life applications. Students will also have more exposure to American Sign Language and Deaf literature. Students will take the Checkpoint B assessment as their final exam. Prerequisite: American Sign Language